Bonnie Brae Card 002
BONNIE BRAE CARD 002.tif ' BONNIE BRAE CARD #2 Por of Lot 1, Bonnie ~rae & Lots 189-190, Normal Heights Villa- Permit to Elmer Engelstad to constuuct 5 living units & a garg with 0 1 rear & side yd for the garg & Laundry rm, a 41 rear yd for the apt. over garg on a portion of said lots at 3822 Adams Ave. provided an aRreellll:lnt is signed b. the owner & recorded that no bldg on the north 40' of Lot 188 will be erected nearer than 6 1 to the dividing line betw Lots 188-189, Normal Heights Lot 51- Permit to N. W. & Edith A. Brown to constr a res with approx 5!' SB & porch with approx 4' SB as forms are now laid out, east side of Gircle Dr., 300 1 NE of 39th St. Res. #2181 4-11-47 Lot 36 & Sly 51 of 37,- Permit to add to & convert exist prch to ktchn be attached, (Eve A, Smith) to exist gar with 2' sideyd 4834 39th St. Rev. #5663 7-11-51 Lot 31- Permit to Warren Leroy Sund & Patricia Conners Sund to erect 2 story addn (store- rm on ground fl & bedrm above) to exist res which has 1811 & 8 11 sideyds respectively at 3866 Belmont Res. #7703 9-2-53 Lot 31- Permit to Warren L .:lund to canst addn to exist attached storage:nn adj to garg the storage rm to be conv to bdrm & gar conv to storage; garage with 811 sideyd & res with L II sideyd (4' req) at 3866 Belmont, R-1 cond I l C-2007 B-22-58 W 40 1 Lot 15- Permit to ElwooddM1 & Est1;terctd.M .Barby Jto S1ongt bed~/&; e~oti~.~? exist sipg ~am res which obs 3r sicte~,\4' req) a ~o oo~ ~ ct yct J 1(-l on cond add con!'orm \o exist res '--~'/89 1.::-18-59