Bonnie View
BONNIE VIEW.tif MNNl!VIEW Lot I- Permit reg) Rl Zone to O.D. Arnold & Sons to maintain res with 10 1 SB on Euclid Av:~ (15 1 Case 513 6-11-56uruo#W Lot 2- Permit Zone to O.D. Arnold & Sons to maintain res with 10 1 SB on Euclid Av~.,, R-1 Case 514 6-11-56 tU{4(J ~SRO Lot 39- Permit to O.D. Arnold & Sons to maintain cor Euclid & Reynolds St. R-1 res with 10 1 SB on Euclid Ave., SW Case 515 6-11-56 Lot 40- Permit to O.D. Arnold & Sons to maintain res with 10' SB on Euclid Ave, S of Reynolds St., R-1 zone Case 516 6-11-56 Lot 22- Permit to Joel C. & Valaida Walker to constr a 13 1611 x 18 1611 fam rm addn to exist sin fam dwel 1 on lot, por of addn to obs 16 1611 rear yd where 20' is req at 4911 Reynolds St. betw 49th St. & Ozark St., Zone R-1-6 C-10200 NH 11-18-70