Book Terrace Card 002
BOOK TERRACE CARD 002.tif BOOK TERRACE Card #2 Lot 2- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Conditional Use Permit sought by SAYED A. ALI & FATMA ALI, owners; MR. & MRS. BILLY HAMMEK.EN, Purchasers, to construct an additional guest quarters as part of a detached garage, but DENIED the variance for driveway turnaround in established front yard where a maximum 25'0" driveway is permitted, located at 6018 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Rl-40,000 zone, Coastal Zone. C-20096 (Amend) 3-10-89 Lot 2- BZA PARTIALLY GRANTS the appeal to David H. Katz and, therefore, MODIFIES the decision of the ZA to DENY the third guest quarter but APPROVE with conditions the maximum 40'0" wide driveway and turnaround, located at 6018 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Rl-40,000 zone. C-20096 (Amend) 5-3-89 Lot 2- CITY COUNCIL GRANTED the amendment to the Conditional Use Permit, subject to conditions, located at 6018 La Jolla Scenic Drive South, Rl-40,000 zone. C-20096 (Amend) 8-1-89