Border International Industrial Park Card 001
BORDER INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD 001.tif_._..,,__,._..;.. "-"-.........-.... #....... ~..,,,...,,......,_,,,,....... ' aoaDE1' INTRNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARK CARD #1- Lot 7- Permit GRANTED to BEYER ASSOCIATES, a partnership, for approval to construct a 30,800 square foot industrial building with parking and landscaping, located at the northwest corner of Beyer Boulevard and Precision Park Lane, Zone M-lP. ' MIP #61 11-1-79 Lots 1 & 2- Permit GRANTED to LUSARDI CONSTRUCTION, a corporation for approval to construct and operate three office buildings located on the east side of Precision Park Lane between Beyer Boulevard and Highway 117, Zone MIP. MIP #15-069-0 8-8-80 Lot 9- Permit GRANTED to BEYER INDUSTRIAL LIMITED, a limited partnership, owner/permittee, to construct and operate a 27,945 square foot industrial building located at the southeast intersection of Beyer Boulevard and Highway 75, Zone M-IP. M-IP #15-074-0 12-26-80 Lot 7- Permit APPROVED to BORDER INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL PARK to construct a single- story industrial building on a J.86 acre site, located on the northeast corner of Beyer Boulevard and Precision Lane in the San Ysidro Community, Zone M-IP. M-IP #38 9-21-78