Boulevard Gardens Card 3
BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 3.tif BOULEVARD GARDENS tots 87-96 & 104-106- Permit to Benj Fish & H. Peterson, owners, & John Grus, & oper 44 unit trailer park & mgr res itXD (Res. Prop Use) Res 6610 7-9-52 Card 3 pur to erect Lot 1- Permit to H. H, Peterson to move off bldg from 304 w. Washington to 1103 Knoxvr\ie St. HM 1452 7-31-52 Lots 87-96 & 104-106- FINAL APPROVAL on R:lils. 6608 thru 6610 ABOVE Res. 6840-6842 9-17-52 Lots 87-96 & 104-106- Permit to Dorothy & John Grus to erect 5' free-stand wall on topof retain wall from 0 1 to 4 Knoxville, Savannah & :> rena, Res. 6977 11-12-52 Lots 87-96 & 104-106 6 mo ext granted to John & Dorothy Grus, to amend Res. 6840, to erect & oper 44 unit trailer park & mgr res., Morena Res. 7195 2-18-53 Lots 87-96 & 104-106- bl0ll 60 mo ext to Res. of Prop Use on ABOVE. Res. 7196 2-18-53 Lot)! 104-106- Permit to Dorothy &rus to move frame office from 3727 Pac Hwy to Lots 104- 106 1336 Morena Bld Appr HM 1614 3-13-53 \',,