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Development Services

Boulevard Gardens Card 4

BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 4.tif Lots 87-96 & 104-106- John & Dorothy Grus, to amend Riis 7195 & add 4 items Morena Blvd Res. 7341 4-15-53 John & Dorotny Grus- to amend Res of Prop Use o~ ABOVE & Res. 7196 Res. 7345A 4-15-53 Lot 61- Permit to Rosalie M. Tucker to erect 4 high fence in SB area, 4903 Naples St. Res. 8005 1-15-54_ Por Lot 1- Permit to H. H. Peterson to move office bldg. from 1103 Knoxville to 1192 Knoxville HM 2278 2-2-56 Lot 34- Permit to Fred Merrill to move house from 1050 Morena to 4922 Naples HM 2280 2-3-56 4> t 84- Permit to R. E. MacDonald to move house from 4838 Savannah to 1245 Knoxville HM 2318 4-9-56 Lot 99- Condl permit to Mr. & Mrs. Alfred C. Buck to const 2-story duplex, making total of 3 units, at cor of Savannah St. & M:)rena Blvd, Zone C; exist sin fam re& having 1 1 rear yd, where 10 1 is req; proposed duplex to obs all yd req. C-1537 11-29-57