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Development Services

Boulevard Gardens Card 5

BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 5.tif.-. - I, ~.,,.~,.. -" .,..,. a-~ ~ ._ .. "'-,. BOULEVARD GARDENS CARD 6 Lot 72- Permit to Mr. Glen S. Mitchell c/o Mr. Walter E. Fiedler to use & Maintain parking lot on Lot 72 in connec with office bldg to be constructed in adj C Zone on W 80 1 of Lots 70 & 71, where parking in connec with R-4 usage is permitted, on Savannah St. betw Vega & Morena Blvd., Zone R-4, condl Case 5560 2-20-64 Lots 87-90- Permit to Graham M. & Julia F. Kelly, Herbert C. Kelly, Jr., Yorke H. & Maxine T. Smith, Owners, & Frederick G. Tel lam, Purchaser, to provide supplemental parking on Lots 87-90 for adj conform use in "C" Zone on Lots I 10-113; Map 1505, NE corner Sa~h & Knoxville Sts, Zone R-4; Cond. Case 8701 6-6-68 Lots 69-71- Asst. ZA considered appl of Glenn Mitchell Manuels, Inc. to construct 2-st addn to exist conmercial bldg; addn to obs 0 1 SB on Morena Blvd. where 15' is estab & por of addn to obs O' SB on Savannah St. where 5' is estab at 1230 Morena Blvd. betw Savannah & Naples Sts., Zone C and had DENIED the req as submitted but APPROVED a 0 1 SB for fire exist on Savannah St. with 4 1 SB for remaining por of structure & 3' SB ~ 41' of bldg on Morena Blvd., condl ~ 11,,J,l/-{,9 ~c d--5-3r c-9562 11-6-69 Lots 72-74- Permit to Glenn Mitchell Mary.aels, Inc. to develop as a parking lot to serve exist publishing business o~fot adj on cor of Morena Blvd., at 4912 Savannah St, betw Morena Blvd. & Vega St., Zone R-4, condl c-9647 3-11-70