Boulevard Heights Block C Card 1
BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK C CARD 1.tif BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK C " CARD.Hi Lots l & 2- Permit DENIED to Martin & Ruby to remodel & add to exist res----~{~:_:!!:_~~-~-~:-~:~-!~,_corner Lillian & Gertrude. Res. No. 7568 7-8-53 ~C ll3300- 7-23-53- App;~-;M;~-~~-~~~~-;~;;~~~-;~~;~~~-;~~~;~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Lots 11 & 12- Permit to Hermann & Elizabeth Wiedmann to erect 3~' of ret warr;-qr:~T------ hi obs O' fr yd, at 1329 Gertrude St.y Zone R-1-5. Condit. C-15937 3/26/79 Lots 32 and 33- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MARTIN D, AND ALTA V, SMITH to construct a single-family dwelling on lot with existing single-family dwelling where only one single- fami Jy dwel I ing is permitted, (Existing single-family dwel 1 ing to be removed at completion of proposed single-family dwelling), at 4943 Lillian Street, Zone R-1~5. Conditions. C-17567 Lots 1 & 2- Agreement with Kent and Heidi Newton to remodel an family dwelling; said remodel to contain a family room, bedroom access and interior access thru a common foyer at 1357 Gertrude A-4695 3-12-82 existing two-story, single- and full bath with exterior Street, Zone Rl-5000. 7/20/90----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------