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Development Services

Boulevard Heights Block D Card 1

BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK D CARD 1.tif BOULEVARD HEIGHrS BLOCK D SWl.y 50' of Lots 8-ll- Permit to John K. and Billie L. Laursen to const single fam res on said parcel, provid a setback is obs from Dorcas St, SWly of Lillian St. Res. 3467 10-6-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 24-25- Permit to Isabel Bedford, OWner, & Leo M. Cranford, Purchaser, to erect res w/4 1 setback on Dorcas where average is 21.4 & 15' setback on Gertrude St where average is 241; Nly corner of Gertrude & Dorcas. Res. 5358 2-28-51 Lots 21, 22, 23- Permit to Reid c. & Maxine Necker to const single fam res obs 5' rear yd (20' req), at D:> rcas St, betw Gertrude & Lillian Sts, Zone R-l; on cond that 21 1 SB is obs. Case No. 2343 3-6-59------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 15 & 16- Permit to John E. Atkisson to constr garage located entirely 'Within 6 1 hi bank obs 0 1 front yd where 15' is req; 1332 Dorcas St, betw Gertrude St & Lillian St, R-1-5; Condl. Case No. 8985 12-2-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let 12- Permit to John and Melba Hanson to const a sin f'am. dwell on 25 1 wide lotj dwell to obs 31 interior side yds on both sides where 4 interior side yards are req;at 1340 Dorcas St. betwn Gertrude and Lillian Sts, Zone R-l-5- Cond'l. C-J.?,144 ll-23-73 Lots-r1t-ra-=-Jonn-E:-ana-RenrTetta-e:-~tKTssonto-erect-approx107of-5iock-reiiining_____ wal I varying in height from 4 1-6 1 obs O' front yd where 15' is req, at 1326 Dorcus St, Zone R-1-5. C-13925 NH 9-27-76