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Development Services

Boulevard Heights Block E Card 1

BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK E CARD 1.tif BOULEVARD HE-I GHTS BLOCK E CARD #1 Lots 39-44- Permit to Louis & Octavia Sampo to constr a 68 1 x 138' office bldg obs 6 1 rear yd where a 10' rear yd is req when rear lot I ine abuts a res. zoned lot, 1200 Block Morena Blvd betw Vioia St. & Dorcas St Zone c. Condi. c-11051 2-25-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 9,10,11- Permit to Louis & Octavia Sampo to provide supplemental parking commercial bldg located tnereto on tne east side of parcel at 1244 Gertrude St Viola and Dorcas Streets, Zone R-1-5, Cond'l. C-11408 8-18-72 to exist betw Lot 33 and the northwesterly 12.5 1 of lot 32- Permit APPROVED by ZA to LEWIS A. ANO OCTAVIA SAMPO to construct a I-story commercial structure on a lot to observe 6 1 rear yard where 15' is required and when a C zone rear lot line abuts a residentially zoned property, at 1241 Morena Boulevard, Zone C. Conditions. C-17243 6-3-81 lots 46 & 47- Permit APPROVED by AZA to JACK R. ANO NAOMI G. CHAMBERS, TRUSTEES, to construct a second story addition over existing one-story office building and to construct a two-story 9' X 29 1-811 addition at the rear, to observe a 6 1 rear yard where 15 1 is required, adjacent to residentially zoned property, at 1295 Morena Boulevard, Zone c. Conditions. C-17518 1-22-82