Boulevard Heights Block E Card 2
BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK E CARD 2.tif_... ~~_.........-~-.------......,""" <------ BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK E .......... CARD #2~ Lot 45- Permit APPROVED by ZA to RON MARTIN observing 6 1 rear yard where 18 1 is required 1291 Morena Boulevard, Zone C, Conditions. to construct a three-story COllJllercial building adjacent to residentially zoned property, at C-17905 1-21-83 Lots 34-38- ZA APPROVED request of JOHN TARANTINO'S RESTAURANTS, INC. A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION to construct a 7,000 sq. ft. commercial bldg. observing a 6 1 rear yard where a 15' rear yard is required at 1249-1259 Morena Blvd., Zone C with conds. C-19246 7/27/86