Boulevard Heights Block F
BOULEVARD HEIGHTS BLOCK F.tif BOULEVARD HEICHTS BLOCK f: Lot 7- Permit to Wm. A. & Marian Costello to const garage obs 20' SB at 4986 Lillian St., Zone R-1 (32' average) Case 2963 12-4-59 Lots 2, 3 & NWly Lot 4- Permit to Wm. I. & Esther R. Crawford to const single fam res w/attach garage on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, condl; on Lillian St, Zone R-1 Case 3565 9-16-60 Lot 7- Permit to Lance and Jane Jones to constr. a 21 1611 x 18 1 garage to an existing single fam. dwelling garage to obs. a O' front yrd. where 15' is req. and a 2 1 side yrd. where 4 1 is req. resulting in 53% coverage where 40% is permitted at 4986 Lillian St., in the R-1-5 Zone. Cond 1 1. Case 13183 7-22-75