Bovyer Subdivision Block 019
BOVYER SUBDIVISION BLOCK 019.tif BOVVERS SUBDIVISION BLOCK 19 Block 19- W 85 1 of the N. 35.15 1 of Lot Res 71424 Addition to garage, and alterations of the building, to the front property St. (Res. 71281 rescinded by Res 71424) DENIED 4-30-40 by Res 71281 Permit to E.E. & Harriet M. Nettleton 5-21-40 line of 35th Res. 71470 5-28-40 suspends 12321 to allow remodeling of a building into apartments, 6 1 back on 35th St. at Orange Ave. Lot 4- Permit to June D. & Wilbur L. Bierly to const 3 unit dwelling and gar at rear of lot and maintain 7' access court 4163 35th St. Res 2870 2-11-48 Lots 10-11- Permit to J.W. Paige to canst 1 fam apt above exist garage with approx 7 1 rear yard on Ely 41- 2/3 1 thereof, 3522 Polk St. Res 3814 4-6-49 N of W 85 1 of Lot 1- DENIED permit to Cecil H. & Rose M. Anderson to remodel & convert garage to living quarters (bedroom) 01 sideyard, exist bldg now covering 77% SE cor 35~h& 0 range Res 4872 8-1 o-49