Bowlero Subdivision Card 2
BOWLERO SUBDIVISION CARD 2.tif BOWLERO SUBDIVISION CARD ~.. Lot 1- Land Conservation Permit to Herbert Minshall, 4409 New Hampsire for ArcneologicT Digs on por New Jersey St and Connecticut St and Buchanan Ave. & Lands adjacent, to rignts- of-way.. 29-LC 5-14-73------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot por of 1- SCA has DENINED the request at 1895 Camino del Rio South, CR zone, Rl-40,000 zne, FPF. C-19882 3/18/88 Lot 1- ZA DENIED request of SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL OF SAN DIEGO to maintain approx 448' of 6' high, open fence observing a O' front yard within the 50' established setback at 1895 Camino del Rio South, CR zone. C-20133 2/3/89 Lot 1- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance soug~t by SCOTTISH RITE CATHEDRAL OF SAN DIEGO to maintain approximately 448 1011 of 6'0" high, open fence observing a O'O" front yard within the 50 1 011 established setback where a maximum of 31 011 high fence is permitted, located at 1895 Camino del Rio South, CR zone. C-20133 8-2-89