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Development Services

Braemar Resub. #1 Map 004050

BRAEMAR RESUB. #1 MAP 004050.tif BRAEl,fAA RESUB. NO. 1 fY) 105D ~ MAP,f:4050 1-7-59 Lot l, c. u. P. grantef to Vern Taylor & Clinton D. McKinnon, owners & Wm. D. Evans, lessee to build & operate a hotel, including restaurants, bars, dining rooms, gift shop, notion shop & packaged liquor etore, barber shop, beauty shop & valet service, on Lot A, Braemat & Wly Lot c, Braemar Ext. on Pacific Beach Dr. between Mission Blvd & Bayard St, in R-1 (Thia new sub is R-4 and C zones) condl C-215! 11-26-58 Amended by c. C. Res. 192292 12-5-67 Amended-3-13-69 Document No. 727371 Por Lot 1- Permit tow. D. Evana to move Chapel from 3999 Mission Blvd and relocate on same property. HM #3175 5-4-59 Lot A (and Lot Hand Por Lot I, Mission Beach, Block 234)- Permit to James M. & Margaret Decaro and E. Gene & Martha J. King to const a two unit bldg obs a 01 int side yd on the west side for stairway, a 4' front yd on Verona Court, a JO' rear yd at clst pt. 3930 Bayside Walk. R-4 and R-1-5 Zones. Conditions. C-14660. 10-26-77.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------