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Development Services

Braemer Extension Block 10

BRAEMER EXTENSION BLOCK 10.tif 13:AAEMAR EXTENSION BLOCK 10 Lot 3- Permit to Maurice L. & Laura M. Clark to const res with 10' rear yd at SEly side of West Briarfield Dr., SWly of Pacific Beach Dr., Res. 81J5t 9-l~S4~ Lot 7 & por Lot 10- Permit to Luis & Ila Alvarez to const porch witn balcony above to rear of res, to nave 10' rear yd, Wly si E. Bri,arfield Dr., S of Pacific Beach Dr. Res. No. 8839 3-30-55 Lot 8 & por of 10- Permit to R, B, Wilson to const porcn & balcony addn to have 10' rear yd at 1061 E. Briarfield Dr. Res. No. 9134 8-31-55 Lot 8 & por of 10- Permit to R. B. Wilson to const porch & balcony add to res, addn to obs 10' rear yd wnere 20' is req at 1061 E. Briarfield Dr. Zone R-1 c-560 6-29-56 Bor 9 & 10- Permit to Robt T. Martinet Jr. to const sin fam res with 10' rear yd wnere 20' is req, on E. Briartield Dr. between Mission Bay & Pac Bch Dr., R-1 c-1336 8-2-57 Lot 1 & por 10- Permit to Leon B. Kercher to const res with O' side yd on Bayside & 10' rear yd, at end of W. Briarfield Dr., R-1 c-1368 8-23-57 Lot 9 & ppr=of 10- Permit DENIED toRobert T, Martinet tor a 5' bi fence but a 4 fence' APPROVED, at 1069 E. Briartield Dr., R-1 C-1919 6-27-58