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Development Services

Bramer Extension Block 11

BRAMER EXTENSION BLOCK 11.tif BRAEMAR EXTENSION BLOCK 11 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to F. T. Scr1jps, Inc. to replat property on Dawes St. E of Briarfield Dr. to face Mission Bay instead of Dawes St. & to permit 1 sing fam res on each Res. 1778 9-26-46 Lot 4- Permit to Gloria L. Allen to comt bedrm & bath addn to exist res to obs 10' SB (15' req) at SE cor Pacific Beach Dr. & E. Briarfield Dr. Res.~ 9-28-55 '1.\l"" Lot 3- Permit to Harry A. & Alice Miller to const res with 10' SB on E side E Briarfield Dr., betw Pac Ben Dr., & Mission Bay Ree. No. 9238 10-14-55