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Development Services

Bramer Extension Lot B Card 1

BRAMER EXTENSION LOT B CARD 1.tif BRAEMAR EXTENSION LOT B Card #I Lot B (Ely 123')- Permit to Austen Tudor Brown, et al, to divide tne parcel into 3 lots, as snown on plat on file in the Planning Office, one parcel having frontage on a 30 foot alley, and const a single fam res on each. Res. No. 3174 6-2-48 East 112' of the West 212' of Lot B- Permit to Marys. Corey to divide said parcel into two lots, one to be 92' x 115' facing Braemar Lane & the other to face the Bay witn 20' drive to Braemar Lane and permit single fam res on each, East of Bayard St. Res. 3348 8-11-48 Ely 112' of Wly 212'- Permit to Mary S. Corey to div into 2 par & permit sin fam res on eaen, Braemar Lane. Res. No. 4675 5-17-50 Nly 90' of Ely 63 1 of Lot B- Permit to Mobilnome Corp for Seth Brown to move a sin fam frame dwelling from 2751 Frontier St. to Braemar Lane, Pac Beach HM Rea. 789 6-28-50 Por- Permit to Mary S, Corey, owner & Wm P. Kesling, pur to eonat sin fam res, Braemar Ln 'Res. No. 7855 11-4-53 Lot B- Permit to Leon R, & Dorotby S. Brandt to const sin tam res with detacned gar with cor of dwell on Sly end obs 3' SB (5' eat) and obs 5' rear yd (20' req) & covering 45,4i jof lot (4~ per) on Dawes St. betw Pacific Beach Dr.! Bulkhead line, R-1 zone 7-20-62 6 mos ext to exp 2-9-62 C-4700 & 4701 2-9-62 Wly 60' (blk 8) bar sink A-1356 12-24-64