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Development Services

Bramer Extension Lot B Card 2

BRAMER EXTENSION LOT B CARD 2.tif BRAEMAR EXTENSION Card 1120 Portion of Lot B- Permit to MRS. & DR. JOSEPH MCGREEVY to constr. 2nd story 26~ x 38 1, 4- bedroom & 2 bath addn to extg nonconforming residence (obs 12' rear yard); addn to observe 12 1 rear yard whee 20' is reqd & eave to observe 6" interior side yd where 21 6" interior side yard is required for eaves, at 959 Braemar Lane, Zone R-1-5. LOT B C-13952 11/18/76 Portion of Lots B & C- Permit is granted to BRAEMAR SAIL BAY to construct a PRD located south of Bramer Lane in the R-1-5 Zone. PRD 83-0577 12/8/83 Portion- ZA APPROVED request of DR. AND MRS JOSEPH MCGREEVY to constr. a (896 sq. ft.) addn to an existing SFD & nonconforming guest house over garage; addition to observe a 11 interior side.yard where 4 1 is reqd at 9595 Bramer Lane, Zone Rl-5000, with conds. C-18780 6/6/84 Lots B & C- Planning Director CANCELLED PRD 83-0577, effective 04/20/88. Res. 7350 12/30/87