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Development Services

Breed & Chase Add Block 8 Card 1

BREED & CHASE ADD BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif ~;;a,,,......... ~...--..-------------. BREED ANO CHASE ADDITION BLOCK 8 Lots 36 and 37 Permit was considered by ZA to ERNEST P, AND FRANCES JOHN to maintain check-cashing office in 1,500 sq. ft. of the ground floor ef a nonconforming two-story plumbing shop; and to erect an added 66 sq. ft. wall sign in addition to an existing nonconforming sign, where 20 sq. ft, is the maximum permitted, at 2450 Market Street, Zone R-3. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a check-cashing office of 1,500 sq. ft., with 50 sq. ft, of wall sign. Conditions. (SEE ALSO L. W. KIMBALLS South 45 feet of- Cl7810 ADDITION, Lots 36 and 37, Block 8) 11-5-82 Lots 1-4- CUP APPROVE by ZA request by JOHN AND TESSIE BONNER to increase the number of residents from six to nine in an existing residential care facility where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, located at 624 25th Street, CSF-2-R-3000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, Sherman Heights Historic District; with conditions CUP-20718 2/8/91 South 45 feet of Lots 1-4 BZA DENIES the appeal of THE SOUTHEAST DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE and SUSTAINS AND AFFIRMS the decision of the ZA to APPROVE the request by JOHN AND TESSIE BONNER to maintain a residential care facility (cuurently in violation), for a maximum of nine persons, where a Conditional Use Permit is required for such facilities serving more than six persons, located at 624 25th Street, CSF-2-R-3000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, Sherman Heights Historic District; with conditions CUP-20718 4/3/91