Breed & Chase Add Block 8 Card 2
BREED & CHASE ADD BLOCK 8 CARD 2.tif BREED AND CHASE ADDITION BLOCK 8 CARD #2 South 45 feet of Lots 1-4 CC DENIEDS the appeal of THE SOUTHEAST DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND UPHELD the decision by the BZA to APPROVE the request by JOHN AND TESSIE BONNER to maintain a residential care facility (currently in violation), for a maximum of nine (9) persons, where a conditional use permit is required for such facilities serving more than six (6) persons. located at 624 25th Street, CSF-2-R-3000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, Sherman Heights Historic District; R-278256 CUP-20718 7/2/91 Lots 42 & 43- request by WILLIAM AYYAD proposed beer & wine only- hrs Sat & Sun 8:00 a.m.- 10:00 p.m. 7 1/2' x 7 1/2 ' area of rear cooler, 3 doors, adjustable shelves, located at 2472 Market Street, CSF-2-R-3000 zone. SENT TO PLANNING TO (Corey Braun) TO PROCESS. CUP-21176 5/27/94 Por. of Lots 45-48- Planned Camercial Developrrent Pennit granted to RONAI.D E. GREENBERG to add drivei:through facility at an existing restaurant located at the NW corner of Market & 25th Streets in the CC zone. PCD 84-0729 12/28/84