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Development Services

Bridges Estates Card 2

BRIDGES ESTATES CARD 2.tif Lot 5 & por 16- Permit to M. L. & Jerry E. Lawrence to const res on parcel split out after zoning, on Alcott St. approx 125' NWly of Chatsworth Blvd. Rea. 9224 10-14-55 Lot 6- Permit to const approx 5' x 10' bathrm addn to exist sin fam res & att gar obs 5' rear yd (see Res. 3665), bathrm addn to obs 15' rear yd where a 20' rear yd is req, at 2504 Chatsworth Blvd., NW corner Alcott St. & Chatsworth Blvd. Zone R-1-5, C-6905 1-12-65 Lot 15- AGREEMENT#692 to Eula G, & L. Howard Watters to maintain the recereation rm & snack bar on the 2nd floor of this newly sin fam res. 11-10-50 Lot 6- AGREEMENT #579 to Rod in S. Borrow & SarabrJiorrow to const gar & rumpus rm with 5' rear yd, and have applied for a yd variance under Appi/ #6828, dated 1-2-49 2-5-49 Lot 15- Permit to Don & Joan Lee Augustine and Michael Morris to erect eight 18'-high tennls courts lights; approx 200 1 of 12 1-high, chain-link fence with sun screening, fence to obs at clst pt an 11 1 rear yd and a 2' Int side yd on Lot 3 of Bayview Terrace, to obs a 01 rear yd on Lot 15 of Bridges Estate. (See sub card for Bayview Terrace} C-14284. 10-4-77. Zone R-1-5. 2434 Alcott Court.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------