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Development Services

Britannia Commerce Center (Portion Of S3,T19s,Riw,Sbbm)

BRITANNIA COMMERCE CENTER (PORTION OF S3,T19S,RIW,SBBM).tif BRITANNIA CCt-ME:RCE CENrER (Portion of S3, T19S, RlW, SBBM) ':,.../.,- Lot 8- Otay Mesa Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to HALL PROPERTIES, & PARKER-HANNIFIN CORP to develop lot on the east side of Britannia Court, south of Siempre Viva Rd., in the Otay Mesa Development District-Industrial Subdistrict zon~. Otay Mesa Dev. Permit 86-0678 10/14/86---------------------------------- Lot 4- Otay Mesa Development Permit is granted by the Planning Director to COAST CITRUS DISTRIBUTORS to construct a food warehouse and distribution facility with supporting office space at 7597 Bristow Court in the Otay Mesa Development District Basic Zone. Otay Mesa Dev. Permit 90-0886 3/19/91
