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Development Services

Brookes Addition Block 10

BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 10.tif BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 10 Lots ll-12- Permit to F. & A. Evarkiou to constr a 15-unit, 3-story apt bldg; portion to obs a 14.5' rear yard where 18' is required, with balconies obs a 12' front yard on First Ave. where 15' is req, and an 8' street side yard on Brooks Ave. where 10' is required, on the NE cor of First Ave. & B;r:oo.ke4)Ave. Zone R-4. amend to incl 7,} int sideyd l4!S-7o c-13lll N.H. 5-28-75 Lots 15, 16 & 17- Planned Residential Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to HILLCREST EQUITIES, to construct a PRD on the west side of Third\~venue, between Brookes Ave. & Pe~~;y~;:~!; 4 Ave, in the 1 ~/~~~ 8;one.----------~-----------------------------------------------------------------