Brookes Addition Block 11
BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 11.tif BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 11 Lot 1- Permit to M. J, Kingsbury to build to the property line on Lot 1 (SE cor Brookes and let Ste.) Ord. 9383 suspended for a 0' SB Granted by Res. 44189 1-9-28 Lot 3 & Lots 2 & 3 Bl~ck 1, Loma Grande- Permit to Gilbert P. & Lois M. Porter to complete const of 26 unit apt house with parking spaces for 14 vehicles in rear & 12 parking spaces in front obs 13' from curb & 3' distance from front property line where minimum 18' distance from curb and no closer than 3' from front property line is required where one (1) parking space for each living unit is req., at 3565 let Ave. Zone R-4 Lot 1- Permit to Joseph R. exist nonconforming grocery Zone R-4. Cond'l. c-6483 6-1-64 & lreta McDaniel to constr 33~ store where residential use only C-10633 x 8 1 811 storage room addn to is perm; at 119 Brookes Ave. 7-28-71-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------