Brookes Addition Block 13 Card 02
BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 13 CARD 02.tif BROOKES AOOITION BLOCK 13 South 40' of Lot.'.2- Permit was considered by A2A the amended request of ADA ROENICKE, owner; HENRY SUSSMAN & LARRY SIEGEL, lessees, to erect and maintain a 3' X 4 1 X 10' high identification sign observing 0' setback where wall signs only are permitted, and a 5' setback is established, at 3585 Fourth Avenue, Zone CO; DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a 3' X 4 1 X 8 1 high identification sign, observin~ 5' setback. Condition. C-17218 5-8-81 Lot 1 & N. 10' of Lot 2- Permit to V'Frank Asaro & Barbara Asaro, Art Flaming & Gwen R. Flaming to maintain a 2 1811 x 4 1611 (20,7 sq. ft.) ground sign, 9 1 in height where wall signs only are permitted at 411 Brookes Avenue, Zone CO. C-17484 12/4/81----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------