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Development Services

Brookes Addition Block 2 Card 001

BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD 001.tif B.ROOm ADDITION BLOCIC- 2 CARD 1 r,J., Lot 11:.- Permit to R. H. Beck, 3714 4th Ave. to operate;. brancll. Real Estate o:f':f'ice, on condition no objectionable signs be erected on premises to exp 6-18-42 (:f'or a period o:f' 2 years:f'rom date.) Lot 18- Permit to J. Ward & Audrey Watson- Beauty shop on the N o:f' lot sb 12' from 4th at, at 3768 4th Ave. Res. 71469 5-28-40 Lot 18- Permit to J. Ward Watson for Dr's off. with apt above, with 12' SB:f'rom 4th Ave. for lat:f'loor & 20':f'or 2nd floor, Variance to Ord. 12321, by Retr 74118 5-13-41 Lot 6 (Ord. 12988)- Permit to operate a real estate office on Lot 6 DENIED to Alice King Goodwin, 3727 3rd Ave. by Res. 74993 8-26-41 '&t:.h- Petition o:f' Alice King Goodwin, 3727 3rd Ave., for variance to Ord. #12988 to permit the operation of a real estate office, be and it is hereby DENIED by Ord. #74993 dated Aug. 26, 1941 Lot 1$ '- Perm1 t DENIED to J. Ward & Audrey Watson to amend Rea, 2nd floor of bldg at 3766-68 4th Ave. & maintain same SB as the Res. No. 1966 No. 74118 to erect 1st floor 1-3-47 add to