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Development Services

Brookes Addition Block 2 Card 002

BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 2 CARD 002.tif BLOCK 2 CAM> 2 Lot 18- Permit to J. Ward & Audrey Watson to erect a 2nd fl apt. at 3766-68 4th Ave. with existing two living unita on the lot; rear houae now served by 6' court, Rea. #2130 3-27-47 Lot 18- Condl permit to J. Ward & Audrey Wataon to const an apt add above an exist bldg now being used as beauty shop, said apt to be served by 6 1 access ct. where 10' is req at 3770 4th Ave. R-4 C-960. 1-17-57 Lot 17- Permit to Wm. T. & Florence Sayre-Smitn to use por. of exist res. as office for Teauter'a Union, Local Bo. 542, at 3758-64 4th Ave. to expire 6-30-63, for office use only, with no group meetings at this location, R-4 C-2583 6-19-59 Lot 17- Permit to Wm T. & Florence M. Sayre-Smith, owner; K. D. Detective Agency & Cro\Nn Patrol, lessees, to operate detective agency & private patrol bookkp headqts in separate off, 3758 4th Ave. R-P Zone, for 1 year ending 6-30-62- C-4o63 5-5-61 Lot. 11- request TABLED of H, c. & Cecile D. parcel for commercial parking lot with spaces zone at 3714 4th Ave., Zone RP Moench, joint tenants to develop & maintain to be rented on a monthly basis in the RP C. U. P. C-7746 6-28-66 Lot 11- ABOVE CUP C-7746- Permit to H, c. & Cecile D. Moench to develop & maintain parcel for commercial parking lot with spaces to be rented on a monthly basis, at 3714 4th Abe. betw Pennsylvania Ave. & Robinson Ave. Zone RP CUP C-7746 8-10-66