Brookes Addition Block 3 Card 001
BROOKES ADDITION BLOCK 3 CARD 001.tif-----~-- B'ROOKl!lS ADDITION BLOCK 3 CARD #1 Lot 5 & 6- Permit to H. H, Silver to erect & operate an apt. with open balcony l' frm aide lot line in R-4 Zone at 3737 4th Ave. Res 65888 5-4-37 Lot 10- Permit to Ethel Annie Shepanl to erect an apt at 430 Pennsylvania St. with O' rear yard C zone Rea. 64560 6-23-36 C.UP-Lot 18- Jos Perricone (Tne S. D. Awning Co.) 3766 5th Ave., Awnings, garden furni- ture etc. C zone, not exceet 5 h.p.; hours 8:00 to 6:00 only employee his wi~f~. Res. 1o6353 Wly 45' of Lots 8 & 9- Permit to Mrs. H. L, Gongwer to const sunroom on 2nd floor of bldg having 4' rear;yd, at 3703 4th Ave. Res. No. 8882 4-27-55 Lot 4- Permit to Douglas & Jack Roberts, owners and Brookes Partnership, purchaser, to use lot for commercial parking in conjunction with exist office bldg. on Lot 15, Block 3, at 3743 Four~Avenue, Zone CO- Cond'l.----------------------------------------------~:!~J~~~-------.?-~!~=l-~-------------------- Easter1y_451 of Lots 8 and 9- Permit APPROVED by ZA to HESTON L. WJLSON AND KRISTINE L. WILSON to (1) develop property as a parking lot to serve offices on adjoining lot, and (2) provide 138 sq~ft. of landscaping where 215 sq. ft. is required, located at 424 Pennsylvania Avenue, Zone CO. Conditions. CUP 18189 9-23-83