Brooklyn Heights Addition, Map #966 Block 02
BROOKLYN HEIGHTS ADDITION, MAP #966 BLOCK 02.tif BROOKLYN HEIGH'l'S ADDITION I MAP,#96(,:11 Lots 35,36- The Z.A. has considered the req of Jeffery Lindeneau to constr l20 sq. ft. porch and fireplace &ddn to existing sin fam dwell; porch to obs at closest point a 10 1 front yd and fireplace to obs a 141 front yard where 15' is req; at7136- 31st St. betwn Elm & Cedar Sts, Zone R-2 and has DERIED as requested, but APPROVED a l2' front yd for the posts supporting the porch addn, and APPROVED the fireplace to obs a 14' front yrd.- Cond'J C-l2,l29 8-16-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 13 and 14- Permit to Jose Lopez, Johanna Parada and Jorge E. Parada to const a three- unit apt and commercial bldg with two structural beams extending to the property line rest-:ing on posts which wil I obs a O' interior side yard and building to obs a 15' rear yard at 1701-1703 Fern Street. C Zn. Conditions. C-15388 NH. 8-18-78.