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Development Services

Brooklyn Terrace Card 01

BROOKLYN TERRACE CARD 01.tif BROOKLYN TERRACE cARo"ti Lot 24- Permit to City Water Distribution Dept. to erect a steel fence 10' hi with 3 strand barbed wire on arms projecting inward at 45angle on top of fence, said fence to surround a transformer at 619 65th St. Res. 2519 9-24-47 Lot 28- Permit to Bertha Welker to move bldg. from 4174 34th to 606 66th St. HM 2131 5-9-55 Lot 8- Permit to Harvey H. Jackson to move duplex from 3257-55 Kettner St. to 644-46 66th HM 4000 10-22-62 Lot 28- AGREEMENT to BERNARD J. FINLEY to relocate existing bathroom and add bedroom with outside entrance to existing single-family dwelling, at 606 66th Street, Zone R-1-6. AGREEMENT #2909 3-11-83