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Development Services

Buena Vista Tract Block 01

BUENA VISTA TRACT BLOCK 01.tif BUENA VISTA TRACT Block 1 (There are two ~uena Vista Tff&cts-- this one is in7Pacific Beach- Map 9.29) / Lots 32 and 33, and Lots 32 and 33, Blk l, Pacific Beach Vista Tract- Permit to William Ri> mpot to const. 51 x 7' add. to non-conforming residence which has 3 ft. sideyard, add. to have 3' sideyard, 727 Archer St. Rea, No. 3265 6/30/48 Lots 36-38- Permit to Kathleen E. Kelly to split 3 lots on Wend of Archer St. on S side, and W of LBt Jolla Mesa Dr, into 2 parcels of 37!' and 42 1 and erect sing. fam.. res. on ea. Includes same lots and block no. in Pacific Beach Vista Tract. Res. No. 3746 3/9/49 Lots 36-38- Am.end. to Res. No. 3746 ABOVE, to permit 2 res. on 3 lots. Res. No. 4085 8/10/49 Lots 36 to 38 and Lots 36-38, Blk 1, Pacific Bch Vista Tract- K~thleen E. Kelly, 6 mos. extension of Res. 4085 permitting const, of 2 living units on W. end of Archer and w. of La Jolla Mesa Dr. Res. No. 4426 2/8/50