Buena Vista Tract Block 1
BUENA VISTA TRACT BLOCK 1.tif BUBNA VISTA TRACT Block l '5"ot.crtr ~~ r- Map 515 (There are 2 Buena Vista Tracts- so watch) E 51 of Lot 10, all ll, and W 20 1 of 12- Permit to John M. Barrett to move a frame resi- dence from.1215 Ninth st. to 411tl c st,. conditional. HM Re, 1089 4/10/51 Lots 42-44, Permit to F. T. Wollgast to move sin fam dwelling from 2068 2nd Ave. to 4126 Broadway DENIED. HM RES 1095 4/26/51 Permit to Wollgast to move storeroom to same place. HM RES 1096 4/26/51 DENIED Lots 20-24, Permit to Colin McArthur to erect 3 houses, provided 15 ft. setback on 42nd & C st N.S. #35 Res 70491 12/19/38 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Harvey P. & Janet o. Parry to make alterations to lower floor of res. & convert to living unit, making 3 units- SE Cor 41st St. & C Sts. Res No. 8063 3/17(54 Lots 36, 37 & 38 (Also in Blk 1 of Pac. Bch Vista Sub)- Permit to Kathleen E. KellJT to const 2nd sing fam res, at 705 Archer St R-1 Res. No, 8865 4(13(55 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to William Kucher to move res. from 4412 John Hansen Ranch to 412.3 C St. HM A'2759 11/6/57 Lots 6 & 7- Permit to Wm. Kucher to move res. from 1868 Front St. to 4123 C St. HM #3118 3/12/59 Lot 1.3 & Ely 5' of Lot 12, Permit to Jack & Audrey Mahan to const sin fBJ!l;.:es with attach garage, making 2 units on parcel at 4149 C st. R-2 zone. Case 2970 12/4/59)(--