Bungalow Park Addn Block 07
BUNGALOW PARK ADDN BLOCK 07.tif BUNGALOW PARK 11 Dl> fVBI.oeK 7 Lots 3-4- 3435 46th St. R-2 (Ord. 184 N.S.) suspended ror hand lauildry Permit to o. W. Tappmeyer, Expires 10-23-35,..., Zone again suspended ro a commercial chicken house, ror a period of 5 years from 10-23-35 Expires 10-23-40 (Minutes 9-19-35), Lots 37-40- Permit to Carl J. & Ruth A. Lee to erect add to exist res 10' SB 3352 Menlo Rs. ~090 8-24-49 Lots 18 & 19- Permit to R. A. Fraser const Co. to move bldg rrom 152 Wright St., El Cajon to 3321 46th St. HM 2284 2-16-56