Burlingame Block B
BURLINGAME BLOCK B.tif BURLINGAME BLOCK.. B " Lot 3- Permit to Mary Belle Nave, for 6 months with no extensions to operate a rest-home in Zone R-1 at 3127 Kalmia, South side E. 31st St. Res. 67962 7-26-38 J,.. c,,, Lot 5- Suspension of 13175 to turn a residence into a Fraternity House, DENIED to Ray Dougherty at 311+7 Kalmia. 2-8-32 Lot 10- Suspension of R-1 to allow rest-home, 3195 Kalmia St. DENIED to Mrs. L. Goldberg, 2-i9-34. Res. 67347 3-29-38 again Denies. DENIED again to Prudential Ins. Co. for Private boarding house, 6-'Zl-40,6_.~13'f1 Lot 5- Permit DENIED to Stephen S. Ofipoff to maintain a residence at 311+7 Kalmia St. as a place to house 5 couples (10 persons) all with kitchen privileges for the duration. Res. 819 1-18-45 Lot 3- Permit DENIED to Jack E. & Jackie Louis Brown to convert 12 room res. into 3 apts at 3127 Kalmia st. Res. 3169 6-2-48 Lot 3- Appeal filed by Jack E. Brown on Res. No. 3169 Denied by the Council and the ZC decision sustained, 3127 Kalmia St. (Filed after Res. No. 3169 in bookes. No. 89901))t';O