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Development Services

Cabrillo Heights Business Center #2 Card 1

CABRILLO HEIGHTS BUSINESS CENTER #2 CARD 1.tif CARD.Jr/... Lot 5- Permit to Standard Oil Co. of Calif., lessee & Ed Fletcher Co., owner to reduce the req. 10 1 planting strip to 51 on both Hammond Dr. & Sandrock Rd. in connec with serv. sta., signs & light standards to observe 51 & 18" SB (10 1 & 12' req.)l according to plans, Zone C-lA Cases No. 1546 & 1547 12-6-57 Lot 5, Permit to F.d Fletcher Co., owner, & Princess Homes, Inc. lessee, to maintain 3' x 3' sign on 2-ft. legs at Nly corner Sandrock Rd & Gramercy Dr. Zone R-C for 1 yr to expire 1-14-60. Case No. 2221 12-26-58 Lot 5, Permit to F.d Fletcher Co. owner, & Tri-W Builders, lessee, to maintain double-faced sign, with 8 1 x 8 1 sign on N side and 4 1 x 8 1 sign on 8 side, Sandrock Rd & Gramercy Dr. for 1 yr, to expire 1-15-60 Case No. 2174-C 12-26-58 Lot 6, Permit to Fil. Fletcher Co, owner, & Tri-W Builders, lessee, to maintain 4 x 8 1 advert. sign at Larkdale Ave & Greyling Dr, Zone R-4, for 1 yr, to expire 1-15-60 Case No~ 2174-D 12-26-58 Lot 5, Permit to Fil. Fletcher Co. owner, & Tri-W Builders, lessee, to maintain double-faced sign, with 8 1 x 8 1 sign on N side & 4 1 x 8 1 sign on S side, observing zero setback, Sandrock Rd, & Gra,ercy Dr, Zone R-C, for 1 yr, to expire 1-15-60. Case 2175-C 12-26-58 Lot 6, Permit to Fil. Fletcher Co owner, & Crimson Invest Corp lessee to const 4 x 8 1 sign advertising new subdiv. for 1 yr, to expire 7.29-60, at NE corner Larkdale Ave & Greyling Dr, C-P Zone. & Lot 5, at east side Sandrock Rd. 225' N of Gramercy Dr, R-C zone Case 2648 7-17-59 Lot 5 Permit to Fil. Fletcher Co. owner, & C. W. ~rgener Go. lessee, to const 3' x 12 1 listin board on side of bldg 3355 Sandrock Rd. R-C Case:No. 2735 8-14-59