Cabrillo Heights Business Center #2 Card 3
CABRILLO HEIGHTS BUSINESS CENTER #2 CARD 3.tif CABRILLO HEIGHTS BUSINESS CENTER #2 CARD #3 ~\,o <;,, ~ Lot 4- The Z.A. considered the req of Ed Fletcher Co., owner & Socony Mobil Oil Co., Inc., lessee, to enecet free-stancli,ng signs totaling 64 sq. ft.; signs to be maintained in addn to exist 34 sq. ft. free-standing sign perm by Case No. 5097 and to extend business hours frOJII 10:00 p .m. to l2 midnight, signs att to face of bldg per.m, NE corner of Hammond Dr. & Sand- rock Road, Zone RC-lA; and after consideration of the following finding of facts, has DENIED the signs and hours requested, but has GRANTED two sing faced signs on either side of sign pole not to exceed 34 sq. ft. each sign attached to exist sign post at the SW]Jr corner of the subj property not extending into the req planting area, condl. Case No. 6194 5-15-64 ym=--:Cot;-_ Fi~i;g-;;;-;r; that a-post-;Hf;;-;-;;-;-;;ted ir;RCZoneT;;aT~iiy--;:f-the- intersection of Greyling Dr. &: Larkdale Ave. in Serra Hesa, by the P.O. Dept. C,iarren K. Branscum, P.O. Box 1701, S.D., Calif., 92112), is an enterprise similar to and not more ob- noxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular community than those enterprises or businesses perm in Sect. 101.0425, s. D. Municipal Code. Res. No. 180338 6-16-64