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Development Services

Cabrillo Heights Business Center #2 Card 4

CABRILLO HEIGHTS BUSINESS CENTER #2 CARD 4.tif CA8~1LLO HEICHTS BUSINESS CENTER#~ CA~t) 4 " Por Lot 6 only- Permit to Ed Fletcher Co., owner & U.S. Post Office Dept, optionee, to const P.O. bldg on RC zone parcel, rear bldg to project apprx 91 into CP Zone (ROS 4767) where RC permits bus off & restricted co11111ercial, & CP permits parking, on Greyling Dr. betw Larkdale Ave & Sandrock Rd, Zone RC & CP, conditional. + C-6499 6-12-64 6 mos. ext. to above Case No. 6499 to exp June 12 1 1965. condl 2-19-65 Lot 6 Parcel B (D.P. 280)- Permit to Caperton Dev. Corp to erect the following signs (1) 20 1 grnd sign containing 42 sq ft; DENIED as req, but APPROVED grnd sign a rnx of 21 sq.ft. in area w/bottom of sign 8 1 above grade; (2) two rnenue boards attached to face of bldg- 80 sq. ft.- APPROVED (3) "Mr. Swill" on face of bldg 20 sq. ft. APPROVED (4) sign on second bldg (Martinizing) 72 sq. ft. for a total of 214 sq. ft. where approx 70 sq. ft. is perm & signs req to be attached to face the bldg RC-IA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 2 1 x 18 1 for a total of 36 sq. ft. condl. c-8970 11-19-68 Lot 6- Parcel CDP 280- ZA considered appl of Investors A.I.D., owners & Southland Corp lessees to (1) erect & maint one 8 1 x 10 1 (80 sq. ft) interior lighted, post-mounted sign, overall height 24 1, where signs are req to be attached to face of bldg; base & apex of sign wi 11 comply with 10' estab SB on Greyl ing Dr.; (2) to operate grocery store betw the hours of 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM where business hours are permitted only betw 6:00 AM and 10:90 PM; and (3) to constr & ma int one 1811 x 36' banner sign; at 3245 Grey! Ing Drive betw Larkdale Ave & Sandrock Rd,, Zone RC-IA and has made the following decisions; (1) DENY as req but APPROVE max 50 sq. ft. total sign area including existing medallion,9,~_!~ie~f bldg (2) UENY (3) DENY Condi ~ 0 C1t; Gel'l.#ed ol.~S-70 ~ ~ 132 /l. ftrzie/ k/r,on or 619i.sudf,ae/ c-9218 4-21-69