Cabrillo Terrace Block C Card 2
CABRILLO TERRACE BLOCK C CARD 2.tif rABR.ILLO TERRACE BLOCK C CARD #2 " Lot 10- z. A. cons. req. of Earl W. & Florence E. Gray to const. 10 1 x 25 1 x 8 1 hi sundeck addn. to exist single fam dwell; addn to result in 48.57% cov where 4olo is perm & sundeck to obs a 16 16'1 to 18 1 611 rear yd where 20' is req; at 1065 Lei( St. bet Trumbul 1 & Talbot Sts Zone R-1-5 & has DENIED as sub but APPROVED 44.4% lot cov including addn of 6 1 balcony across enti~rear por of hse which may be covered. Case No. 10740 9-8-71-- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Lot 17- Permit to Patricia & John Ward to add bar sink to recreation room on lower lever at 3267 Trumbull St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1990 8-19-74 Lots 34, 35, 36 & Port. of Lot 1- Permit to Basilio A. & Mary J. Freitas to maintain an exist 4 1 x 5' garden shed on lot with exist sin-fam dwell, at 1010 Evergreen St., Zone R=l-5. Condit. Case #15760 1/15/79 Portions of Lots 13 and 14- Permit APPROVED by ZA to PATRICIA KARN to convert a portion of a double garage to living area resulting in one off-street parking space where off- street parking may not be reduced and 2 spaces are required, at 1085 Leroy Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17391 9-18-81