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Development Services

Cabrillo Terrace Block C Card 3

CABRILLO TERRACE BLOCK C CARD 3.tif-,..,..._# It........--...,....-- CABRILLO TERRACE BLOCK C Lot 17- Permit DENIED by ZA to JOHN P. AND PATRICIA BECK WARD to construct a new two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling; addition to have a garage on the first floor and a new master bedroom on the second level, new wall and entry steps to be con- structed; (I) garage and bedroom to observe a 0 1-311 front yard where 15 1 is required; (2) wall to be 8 1-1011 high observing a 0 1 front yard and also encroaching 21-611 onto the public right-of-way where maximum 3 1 high wall is permitted in required 15 1 front yard and In.the public right-of-way, and (3) entry steps to range from 2 1-611 to 6 1 and observe a 0 1 front yard where maximum 3 1 high steps are permitted in the required 15 1 front yard, located at 3267 Trumbull Street, Zone R-1-5. C-17964 3-18-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED. DECISION OF THE ZA WAS UPHELD. 5/25/83. Lot 21- Agreement with Paul and Linda White to construct a two-story addition Joining a one- story, single-family dwelling with a detached guest quarters. Guest quarters with full bath now accessed via hallway from dining area and exterior access into rear yard, located at 3237 Trumbull Street, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement f/4295 6-5-89