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Development Services

Cajon Terrace

CAJON TERRACE.tif dAioii'mRAcE \'\lo-\. Lot 6 Bld one-story dwelling, 10' back of Granted_ to B,_E .-~.rr.i.s_... line on S1 est.a Dr Res, 51489 Lot 23- Lot 29- Residence, to within 5' of P.L. on Madison Ave. Granted to Ernest C. McGowan Residence to within 15' of PfL. on 55th St. Granted to Harry Hobbs 9/16/29 Res. 55039 10/20/30 Res. 50376 6/10/29 Lot 22.; Permit to Alfonso Macy to (5' req.) the addn to obs 5451 Madison Ave., R-1 const 2-story addn to exist res. having 4 1 side yd 5', exist gar on fr. of lot having 0' side yd, at Case No. 1602 1/14/58 Lot 28- Agreement with Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Roberts to construct a single story room addition to an existing single-family dwelling. Said addition having interior access through an enclosed staircase to an existing dining room, as well as having exterior access, located at 4604 55th Street, zone Rl-5000. 10_ 31_ 88 Agreement l/4142