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Development Services

Caliremar Subd Map 6155 Card 1

CALIREMAR SUBD MAP 6155 CARD 1.tif CLAIREMAR SUBD. Map 6155.--"--~_#_!_ Lot 3- Z.A. considered appl of American Oil Co., purchaser & The Deutsch Corp,, owner to constr a service station with (1) l free-standing, double-faced, interior illuminated, oval 6' x 10' id sign, overall nt 25', pole to encro 9" & overhang to encro 5 ' into req, p 10' pIU planting strip (2) tour 14' ni area lights encro 10' into req 10' planting strip; (3) two 36" x 44" price signs, overall nt 4 1, encro J 8 1 into planting strip in,., the 2500 blk of Clairemont Dr. betw Morena Blvd. & Denver St., Zone C-lA and h&s made the following decisions: (l)DENIED tne req but APPROVED encro of tne overhang of ltne free-standing sign into the planting area no more than 4 1 3"; (2) APPROVED the req; but conditional & (3) DENIED the request. ~ z c;, // C-9241 4-22-69 ~--- <....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Z.A. considered appl of Deutscn Corp own & Shell Oil Co., purch as amended to develop as a serv station site with (1) 8 low level drive-way lighters, overall ht 2' (2) 2 dble-faced, 3' by 5' price signs encroaching 10' into 10' landscape strip; (3) one 8 1 x 8 1 pole-mounted,.rotating ID sign with tne pole encroach 6 1 & edge of sign encro 10' over 10' landscape strip and (4) to erect approx 150' of 16 1 hi retain wall with 4' open fence on top thereof, where 10' retain wall & 3' open fence on top thereof is perm at the NE cor Clairemont Dr. & Denver St. Zone C-lA and has (1) APPROVED; (2) DENIED: (3) DENIED as req but APPROVED 1 free-stand sign with tne base of the sign obs a 10' SB with the edge of the sign projecting over req 10' landscape area; (4) DENIED as req but APPROVED a 3' hi retain wall in front 10' SB with a max 13' retain wall with 4' hi open:fence on top thereof on east p.l. back of the 10' SB, condl C-9432 9-26-69