Calonial Terrace Bloc 101 Card 1
CALONIAL TERRACE BLOC 101 CARD 1.tif Onio,J CAI.r-@M!!lb TERRACE BIJJCK 101 Card #1 Lot 7,:Map 2539- DENIED request of JAMES A. HANLEY to construct 33'-0" solid fence a max. 7'-0" high within the 15'-0" req/ front yard where a max. hgt. of 6'--0" is allowed provided the top 3'-0" is 50% open and caaplied with design criteria; 9'-0" of solid fence a max. 7'=0" high and deck with 3'=6" high safety rail on top loc. within the corner visibility area where 3'-0" is max. height pennitted and a max. of 3'-0" high deck with 3'-6" high safety rail on top located within the driveway visibility area where 3'-0" is max. height pennitted, but APPROVEDconstruction of a deck with 3 1-6 11 high safety rail on top loc. within the visibility area ar the corner of Willow & Lowell Sts. The deck to encroach 10'-0" within the visibility area for a lineal distance of 44'-0" and to construct a clear plexiglass or glass to provide noise attentuation located at 1676 Willow St. Rl-5000 Zone. C-20582 8/7/90