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Development Services

Calumet Park Card 2

CALUMET PARK CARD 2.tif CALUMET PARK ~\ 'i\ '> Card #2 Lot 14- Permit to R. I. and Pearl J. Mccallum to erect 53' of-,6, high wood fence on I of a 1' to 3 1 high retaining wall. Wall to obs a O' interior yard in a required 4 1 interior side yard. 5468 Chelsea Avenue. Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-15267 NH. 6-dS-78,------~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 24- Permit for KENNETH AND CECILIA LOCK APPROVED to construct a 2-story single- family dwelling to observe an 8 1 street side yard on Colima Ct. where 10' is required, at Calumet Avenue, Zone R-1-5, case Number 16275 8-31-79 Lot 29- ZA has DENIED Amended request of ANTOINETTE FOUQUE TO I) constr 2-car garage addn to existing SFD; garage to obs a 3'3" front yd where a 15' front yd is reqd & an 8' street side yd where 10' is reqd; 2) Maintain 55' of 3' high block wall with 3 1 solid fence above. observing a O' front yd where a 3' high wall is the max. permitted in the reqd 15' front yd. at 5490 Calument Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-18473 5/18/84 Lot 6- CRAIG & GAYLE CUMMINGS wi,thdrew variance Case for 5404 Chelsea Ave., Zone R-1-5. C-18587 10/15-84 Lot 17- Cpastal Development Permit granted by the Planning Director to WAYNE & SHARON HANSON TO REMODEL EXISTING SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE & accessory structures at 5458 Calument Avenue, Rl-5000 zone. CDP 92-0383 9/16/92 '{7