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Development Services

Cameron Industrial Park #1 Card 1

CAMERON INDUSTRIAL PARK #1 CARD 1.tif.r,,.-_,. J'.A,... o, a.-... "--" .._ "._ ..._ ._._ L "., " ,.,. _,. ~ " . e c. _. "4.,,0:_.-... "",o,... j... ~ - ll -_..o... ,_....._- a., ... ~ - '"' CAI-IERON INDUSTRIAL PARK #I S\,)i;-S CARO \ ~ Lot 2- Request TABLED by Cameron Bros. Const. Co., owner & J. Ralph Wiesehan, lessee to erect and maintain for a period not to exceed one year, one single faced, unlighted directional 8 1 x 4 1 ground sign, back of SB, advertising "Colony West" homes for sale In new subd located on Cannington Dr., approx 1 blk north of Balboa Ave. where all signs not directly relating to particular use of the property are prohibitted, Zone M-lA at NW corner Balboa Ave. & Convoy St. Case 6222 10-7-64 Lot 8, (Por)- Permit to Cameron Brothers Cons. Co., A Partnership, owner; Foodmaker Co., A Limited Partnership, lessee (Case No. 7034) to const. Jack in the Box Drive-In Restaurant with planters adjacent to Balboa Ave. consisting in part of a 4' wide strip of public property and in part for a minimum width of 8 1 on private property as shown on plans on file in the Zoning Division of the Planning Dept, & (Case No. 7033) to const. Jack in the Box Drive-In Restaurant w/one four-face lighted 8 1 x 8 1 Jack in the Box ground sign obs 11' setback from Convoy St. but obs the full req setback on Balboa Ave., where 25 1 setback is estab. on Convoy St., & no structures are permitted in setback area, on Balboa Ave.,/ NEly corner Balboa Ave. & Convoy St., M-lA Zone, Condi. Case 7033 & 7034 4-6-65 Lot 1- The ZA considered the appl to Cameron Bros. Const Co. to enclose contractor ~ storage yard with 2,000 lineal feet of 6 1 high chain link fence with 3 strands of barb wire projecting inward, encroach 25 1 into est 25 1 setback on Ruffner St. & future Dagget St. where 6 1 high solid fence is req at 7766 Balboa Ave., NE cor Ruffner St. & Balboa Ave., Zone M~lA, and has APPROVED the chain link fence as requested along E & S prop line, has DENIED the requested O' SB along Ruffner St., but APPROVED 10 1 SB along that St., Condi. Case 7815 8-26-66 <-.o