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Development Services

Cameron Industrial Park #1 Card 2

CAMERON INDUSTRIAL PARK #1 CARD 2.tif cAMERON Il'IDUS'l'RIAL PARK 1/:l.(/j) Lots 3-4- Permit to Cameron Bros Construction Co., Inc. to constr 240' long metal bldg obs 20' side yard on each side where 25' side yard is req at 4524-38 Convoy st. betw Balboa Ave and Daggett St., Zone M-lA. Cond 'l. C-8186 N.H. 6-22-67 ---------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- Permit to Cameron Brothers Const to erect one 30' high, four-sided ground sign obs 15' front yd on Convoy Street at 7786 Balboa Avenue. Zone M-lA. C-14293. 6-1-77. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------