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Development Services

Camino Bernardo Villas

CAMINO BERNARDO VILLAS.tif CAMINO BERNARDO VILLAS Por. Parcel 2- Planning Co!lllllission GRANTED CUP request of CAMINO BERNARDO ASSOCIATES, owner and VILLA RANCHO BERNARDO CONVALESCENT CENTER, permittee, to construct a 305-bed skolled nursing facility, located on the south side of Camino del Norte and west of Bernardo Center Drive (Lot 3 of Camino Bernardo Villas, TM 85-0154), in the A-1-10 Zone. CUP 86-0605 12/4/86----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Par. 2 of PM 11645- City Council granted CAMINO BERNARDO ASSOCIATES to construct a Planned Residential Development located west of I 15 at the southwest corner of Camino del Norte & Bernardo Center Drive in the A-1-10 zone (proposed R-3000). PRD 85-0154 8/12/86-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------