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Development Services

Campanile Terrace #3 Map 3454

CAMPANILE TERRACE #3 MAP 3454.tif CAMPANILE TERRACE #3, Map #3454 Lot 68- Permit DENIED to James C. & Ailene Mllligan to use existing res as a resid care home for four ages persons, licensed by the State of California, 5012 Tierra BaJa Way between Baja Drive and end of cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, c-12,189 9-21-73-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.ot 68- AGREE # 3652 AILENE TUCKER A. T. to convert garage to living area providing two carpact parking spcs behind 12' established front setback at 5012 Tierra Baja Way. ZONE Rl-500_...;3:;..-...;;:3_-.;;..87'------ Lot 86- AGREEMENT with Dewey D, Sturhann to maintain a bar sink in a family room of an existing family residence, located at 4945 Tierra Baja Way, Rl-5000 Zone, AGREEMENT /15132--------------------------------------_______________ 09/16/9_1__ tv