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Development Services

Campus Point Phase Ii Map 9930 Card 1

CAMPUS POINT PHASE II MAP 9930 CARD 1.tif CAMPUS POINT PHASE I I, Map 9930 Card Mo. 1 Portion Lot 3- AZ APPROVED request of OLIVER-MCMILLAN & SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORPL, OWNERS: SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORP, LESSEE to provixe access to required parking on parcel 3 by way of parcel l and to provide access to parcel 3 by way of parcel 2 where access is required to be direct and adjacent to a public right-of-way at 10210 Campus Point Drive, Zone SR/HR with conds. C-19304 8/15/86 Parcel 2 of Parcel Map 14065, COC 86-0484B, SCIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORP request to construct a 125,861 sq. ft. structure providing 127 parking spaces where 251 are required on the same premises as the building, but satisfying the parking requirements for this structure by utilizing surplus parking on Phase 2 and Phase 3, located at 4200 Campus Point-Court, Zone SR. APPROVED with conditions C-19476 2/13/87---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- ZA APPROVED request of CITY OF SANDIEGO/SCIENCE DEFEASANCE CORP., OWNER: SCIENCE AP_PLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORP., LESSEE to cons tr. a 318 parking space lot in the 4300 block of CAMPUS POINT COURT, SR zone with conds. C-19668 8/21/87------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2- SIENCE APPLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL CORP,LESSEE has withdrawn their request for a permit for a Sattllite Antenna, at 10260 Campus Point Drive, Par'l Map 14065, SR zone. C-19495 11/17/88