Campus Shopping Center #3 Card 1
CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER #3 CARD 1.tif CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER UNIT NO 3 Lot 1- ZA considered the app of Pacific Coast Properties, Inc., owner and Guld Oil Corp Real Estate Dept., purch, to erect commercial service station with: (I) two area lighters obs O' SB on both El Cajon Blvd. & 63rd St., (2) one free-stand, 10 sq. ft., revolving interior lighted,45' high ID sign; edge of sign obs O' and pole obs 5' SB on El Cajon Blvd where a JO' SB is estab on El Cajon Blvd. & 63rd St., and a 10' landscape strip clear to the sky on both sts ie req, at 6301 El Cajon Blvd., at the SE cor 63rd St. & El Cajon Blvd., Zone C-IA, and has APPROVED (1) as requested; DENIED (2) as requested, but APPROVED center line of pole at 10' SB with edge of sign obs 5' SB Jee L- f...JS' Case 8596 4-12-68 Lot 2- PERMIT to Pacific Coast Peoperties, Inc. to constr 16,000 sq ft comm! bldg result in 2.48 sq. ft. parking to I sq ft bldg area where 3 sq ft parking to 1 sq ft bldg area is req; 6300 Blk El Cajon Blvd, betw 63rd St & Art St, Zone C-lA Case 8707 7-19-68 Lot 2 Permit to Balboa Crest, A Partnership, to constr retail store & office cont 13, 230 sq ft gross floor area on lot w/exist stores & restaurant cont 92,223 sq ft groes floor area & theater cont 284 seats, and to prov 583 parking spaces where 1 spce for eac 200 sq ft of gross floor area for ea 3 seats in theater is req (total 621 spces req); Lot 15 (Zone R-4) Campus Shopping Center #2; Map 5008, SE cor 63rd St & El Cajon Blvd, CA.Zone (Map 5008) Oawa,d,zc/S-1:2-ZS: ~~ "6-:2. to- f